Title: Introduction to piezoelectric
- To study about piezoelectric.
- To get further information on how
piezoelectric working principles.
1. Do more research on internet about piezoelectric.
2. Find the theory of piezoelectric.
Piezoelectric is a
device that convert the mechanical energy to electrical energy, when we apply
the pressure on the piezoelectric like we press on it and it will produce the
electricity in small value. The piezoelectric
effect was discovered in 1880 by two French physicists, brothers Pierre
and Paul-Jacques Curie, in crystals
of quartz, tourmaline, and Rochelle salt (potassium sodium tartar). They
took the name from the Greek work piezein,
which means "to press".
Piezoelectric elements
are custom made to suit the application requirements, like powered up the LED
signage from the passing trains, monitor industrial machinery from
vibrations, power the wireless sensors or low power electronics and etc.
The material group for piezoelectric devices is
piezocrystal, and piezopolymer is experiencing the fastest growth due to its
low weight and small size, which highly demand in the market.
Conclusion: This week, I have learned and understand more
about my project. Besides that, I found out that the piezoelectric can be
used in many way base on its application and can be modified to fulfill its