Thursday, 14 May 2015

Week 14

Title: Submission of Proposal Report Writing and Blog

  1. To finalize and complete the proposal report writing for submission.
  2. To submit the report to supervisor

  1. Printing the report and binding before final submission
  2. Completing all report writing for last submission.

  1. All the report writing settled before final submission
  2. All the blog writing settled before submission

By completing all the writing on proposal and blog, basically my FYP 1 is finish for this semester. this blog writing will continue on next semester as  FYP 2 Blog Report.

Friday, 8 May 2015

Week 13

Title: Process of Completing Proposal Report & Blog Writing

  1. To complete the report and blog writing as supervisor needed.
  2. To finish all the report before final submission on next week.

  1. Check and discussion with the supervisor.
  2. Do the correction and compile everything in the report.

  1. The good report is in progress.
  2. Corrections has been done.
  3. Blog writing is complete.

By completing all the writing on proposal and blog, basically my FYP 1 is Nearly to finish. All the info and correction have been settle before the day of submission.

Friday, 1 May 2015

Week 12

Title: The Preparation for Proposal Report Writing

  1. To complete the proposal report writing for submission.
  2. To complete the first draft according to guideline.

  1. Show the step of writing the proposal to supervisor
  2. Submission report to supervisor to show as draft

  1. Supervisor check the word and format report writing
  2. Supervisor do some correction for the report
  3. Supervisor give a suggestion and idea for good writing report

By submission the draft report and get some good explanation about the writing, I understand more to write a good report and get the good marks from the supervisor.